Solène Evain PhD student in automatic speech recognition

I am a PhD student at the LIG (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble), Grenoble, France in the GETALP team. I work on spontaneous speech recognition under the supervision of François Portet and Solange Rossato. Here is a sumary of my thesis work:

This is my personal website. You can find here my scientific papers, my work & study expereriences and how to contact me (social networks, work & email adress). I also want this website to be useful to students and researchers in speech recognition. This is why I share a french oral corpora inventory that I made while looking for corpora to train wav2vec models during LeBenchmark project. This took me quite a while and the last inventory I found dates back to 2015! So I hope this will be useful to some of you in a way. Don't hesitate to contact me if you want to add a corpus to the list.

I am also trying to create a map of labs and companies working on or with speech recognition systems.